The unabated scare of coronavirus infection and subsequent international travel restrictions may lead to many Indian students aspiring to go abroad for studies opting out this year or postponing it till next year, experts said on Friday.

March-April is the time most Indian students wanting to study abroad start shortlisting institutions that they choose to go to. “As far as number of applications, enquiries and walk-ins are concerned, there has not been a dip as of now. But there might be a fall in actual number of the students going abroad for higher studies, if the Covid-19 threat persists,” said Naveen Chopra, Founder, The Chopras, a study abroad consultants.

Switching to virtual class

With virus threat increasing, some of the most sought-after universities such as Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Columbia University have already switched to virtual classrooms for some time.

“Students are asked not to return to campus after Spring Recess (March 23)..........Students who need to remain on campus will also receive instruction remotely and must prepare for severely limited on-campus activities and interactions,” read a statement recently issued by Harvard University.

According to the industry experts, China — a top-pick for Indian students who want to pursue medical education — would not be considered as an option at least for a year.

“The immediate effect that we see is that many universities which were set to come to India for promotion, have either cancelled their trips or in the processing of doing so,” said Rohit Sethi, Director, ESS Global-a study abroad consultant.

Around 90 per cent of the enrolment that takes place in foreign universities especially happens in the fall season and industry insiders believe that the intake for September might get impacted. September intake is crucial in countries such as the US, the UK and Canada.

“Decision to apply might be postpone to next session,” said Abhishek Singhal, Co-founder, UnivAdmitHelp, Delhi based study abroad consultant.