After 20-30 minutes of this session, what is the one thing which you want that can change your life asked R. Shekar, CEO of Shekarsan Consulting, to students of Accord Business School at Tirupati. He was delivering a BL Club guest lecture on Return on Time and Talent Invested (ROTTI) presented by Central Bank of India to students of management studies.

The answers varied from inspiration, confidence, commitment, knowledge, attitude and motivation and when asked by the speaker again for the reasons as to why they want all of these, the students replied they needed it to survive and be successful while achieving their goals and objectives.

Shekar said money earned through challenging careers coupled with knowledge will to a great extent determine whether one is getting proper return on time and talent invested.

When the earnings progressively increase, one will know that they are getting sufficient returns on their time and talent invested. He said during their days, they were made to work hard and smarter. Now when one looks around the world, it is converging and it is in your pocket and you can look at the world through your TVs, you can have the latest in food, fashion at your doorstep, he said.

He advised students to maximise their earnings by better positioning, betting on self, not relying on others for their progress. Time is a problem for most of us for not accomplishing what we want to be, he said.

Logic combined with judgment will help solve problems on time and in a correct manner, he said. He concluded by advising students that in order to maximise their return on time and talent invested, they have to read more, understand information better, develop engaging external relationships, be online savvy for promoting products and services and when they do their internship, they have to focus on a project which can improve the topline of the organisation so that they are attractive to the recruiters.