‘The basic route to success is communication – whether it can be right, wrong or arrogant’ said Martin King, Station Director of Radio One Chennai, at a BL Club guest lecture on brands and communication, presented by Central Bank of India to students of management studies at Anand Institute of Higher Technology, Chennai.

He asked students develop awareness on brands and requested them to share their views on what they wanted to know from the industry practitioners.

He said that work place behaviour is akin to how we conduct ourselves at home and do things in an organised manner at the right time. Planning is critical in professional life as bad planning may result in bad management.

He said that what he had learnt early in life is brands are easy to learn but understanding people is very challenging, as convincing a customer that the product or service one deals in is superior or unique. One has to open up and speak in a language they are familiar with for this to happen.

He said that we are all controlled by brand leaders as they influence our perceptions and aspirations. He concluded by advising students not to be scared of failures as it is an opportunity start afresh.