In the post-pandemic new normal, flexibility, adaptability and enterprise resilience are important in ensuring MSMEs can operate more efficiently in a highly competitive business environment. It is also necessary for small businesses to invest in the right office technology solutions that are cost-effective and scalable according to their unique needs. 

Investing in technology solutions is no longer a choice but an imperative. MSMEs that fail to undertake the digital transformation journey run the risk of losing relevance and market competitiveness. As a result, both big and small companies are now deploying powerful AI-enabled algorithms to improve daily operations, gain better operational insights and drive more efficient use of their resources.  

Cloud and IoT-enabled smart solutions 

Herein, it is essential to deploy cloud-based tools for data storage as well as to facilitate remote work and a more collaborative working environment. Cloud computing can be particularly useful for driving enterprise growth and resilience by enabling collaborations despite geographical constraints. Cloud computing also helps MSMEs avoid the upfront cost of physical IT infrastructure while assisting them to expand their presence in new and unpenetrated markets.  

AI-driven tools can also assist small entities in areas such as CRM (customer relationship management) and ERP (enterprise resource planning) as well as sales and marketing initiatives. For example, chatbots can be useful in improving customer service functions by responding to routine sales queries. Besides integrating digital technology into office systems, MSMEs must promote workspace flexibility. This could be achieved through various means and different office layout models. In this context, tech innovations could be instrumental in altering workspace interiors, promoting greater efficiencies and higher productivity.  

Today, office furniture enabled by IoT (Internet of Things) is the smart way forward. Statistics indicate there will be more than 75 billion IoT-connected devices worldwide by 2025. Small enterprises should optimise their operations by creating a conducive and more productive work environment with smart chairs, adjustable desks and connected devices.  

Then there are smart lighting solutions, an often-ignored aspect in offices. Smart lighting can lead to a 20 per cent increase in productivity since it reduces eyestrain while enhancing employees’ energy and alertness levels by providing proper illumination across the workspace.2 By mimicking natural daylight patterns, it also promotes better work-life balance and improves employee well-being.  

Shared workspaces, co-working options, hot desking and more 

Smart technology apart, shared office spaces and co-working options are an excellent means to curb overhead costs and operate a hybrid work model backed by flexible office attendance for employees. Flexible office layouts can also accommodate varied working styles and functions.  

Shared workspaces are those where multiple employees can use the same space, which is beneficial for offices having hybrid work schedules. Shared workspaces include individual or secluded areas reserved as required or open collaborative zones where staff work alongside each other.  

Hot desking, a popular trend, entails sharing one desk among multiple workers, fostering effective shared workspaces. While it may pose scheduling and logistical challenges, the use of scheduling software can streamline availability. This approach minimises required square footage for each employee, offering a cost-saving option for MSMEs. 

Coming to flexible office spaces, this layout supports employee and enterprise flexibility. Here, people enjoy the freedom to select their preferred workspace depending on what they want to do. So, they could book desks on the go or reserve an impromptu space for meeting a colleague. While traditional offices come with assigned desks and fixed meeting rooms, with flexible office spaces employees can choose the area that is best for the allocated task.  

Best of all, dynamic workspaces may be altered easily based on changing business needs, economic conditions or dynamic return-to-office policies. This flexibility accommodates various working styles, such as hybrid work, optimising space and resource utilisation efficiently. 

Benefits of agile workplaces and modular furniture 

Additionally, an agile, flexible workspace acts as an adaptable environment facilitating more creativity, collaboration and innovation. It is designed to accommodate the fluctuating needs of employees and the changing nature of present-day work. Such workplaces are defined by technology-enabled spaces, open floor plans and movable fixtures. This fosters an ambience of clear communication, transparency and teamwork.  Finally, modular furniture is one more viable option to maximise the utilisation of office space. While movable desks or lounge seating that can be rearranged to provide additional seating space come to mind immediately, modular furniture also includes partitions and storage solutions. Given the ever-evolving office requirements of many MSMEs, some or all of the above solutions should come in handy for small and medium enterprises.  

The author is the CEO and founder of OfficeBanao