On the day the Supreme Court pulled up Italy’s Ambassador to India Daniele Mancini for reneging on the undertaking given to it on the Italian marines’ row, and also said he could not claim diplomatic immunity, the Ministry of External Affairs made it clear to the Italian Government that it was bound by the directions of the apex court.

Briefing newspersons, a spokesman of the Ministry of External Affairs said that Italy served a note verbale to the Indian Mission in Rome, saying that Mancini had diplomatic immunity and the court order could not be served on him. A note verbale is an ordinary means of communication between two Governments.

“The note drew our attention to the Vienna Convention regarding diplomatic agents. We are conscious of the provisions of the Vienna Convention and our obligations under the Vienna Convention. But we are also bound by the directions of the Supreme Court on this matter and we have made this clear to them,” the spokesman said.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court extended its order to April 2, restraining the Envoy from leaving the country.

Asked whether the Ministry was aware of the Envoy’s plans of going to Nepal on Tuesday as he was also accredited to that country, the spokesman said, “Yes, we are aware that the Envoy is accredited to Nepal. But, we are not aware of his plans of going to Nepal tomorrow and we will cross that bridge when we come to it.”

On March 14, the apex court had asked Mancini not to leave the country without its permission.

This followed the Italian Government’s refusal to send back two marines, who are facing trial in India for the alleged killing of two fishermen last year.
