Next time when you pass by a historic site and you are not quite aware of what you are missing, your smartphone would pop up an alert. The Andhra Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation (APTDC) has tied up with Mojostreet, which provides location-based alerts on smart digital devices.

The app will also provide users with contact information and GPS enabled road directions using Google Maps. The corporation will use Mojostreet to interact with its tourists, collect feedback and even provide special discounts at APTDC properties, said Mr Kalyan Manyam, Chief Executive Officer of Mojostreet.

“This premium mobile application helps people discover amazing places nearby. The GPS (global positioning system) enabled mobile application will make it easier for tourists to find information on places of historical and cultural importance,” Mr Sandeep Kumar Sultania, Vice-Chairman and Managing Director of APTDC, said here in a press release.
