Senior BJP leader LK Advani has said that he was not sure if his party would get an absolute majority in the Lok Sabha elections.

“But what I can say with confidence is that the National Democratic Alliance will manage to get the highest ever number of seats,” he told newspersons here.

Advani was here on his campaign tour of Thiruvananthapuram constituency where former minister of State for Railways O Rajagopal is party candidate.

Rajagopal will go on to win the seat and become a member of the Union Cabinet yet again, he said.

Kerala goes to the polls on Thursday. Tuesday is the last day for campaigning that saw BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi address an election meeting in Kasaragod in the north.

Elsewhere in Thiruvananthapuram, Defence Minister AK Antony hit the campaign trail and spoke at a number of meetings at various places.

Sitting member and Union Minister of State Shashi Tharoor is the Congress party candidate from here.