Lok Sabha Speaker, Sumitra Mahajan, on Saturday said the mandate given by the people is an expression of trust and the responsibility of legislators has now increased post the division of the State.

Addressing the second day of the Orientation Programme organised for the newly-elected members of the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly and members of the Legislative Council, the Speaker said she was confident that the Naidu Government would be able to fulfil the aspirations of the people.

To ensure that development activities are achieved as per plans, she said legislators need to become true leaders and ensure that people’s aspirations are met.

“The mandate you got is an expression of trust of people on you. You have to fulfil their aspirations. You are not just legislators but leaders who have to ensure all-round development,” she said.

Newly-elected members

With majority of the newly-elected members being first timers (98 of 175 are new to the House), they need to fall back on senior members and learn from their experience. The members should be aware of the challenges as they represent not only those who have voted for them but all those who did not vote for them, she said.

She said disrespect to the Chair brings disrepute to the House. Therefore by being responsible and maintaining decorum, members can enhance the reputation of the House, she said.