Liberia has sought the help of LV Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) to improve eye care system in the country. With the help of the institute, the country will start ‘Liberia Eye Health Initiative’.

Liberia President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has said healthcare system in her country had taken a beating as a result of the strife. The democratically-elected Government is now striving to build the system there that was hard pressed for human resources.

Blindness in the country was put at 0.5 per cent and 3.5 per cent in people above 50 years. Appealing to the institute to send a team to assess the situation and suggest a model, she said: “From rock bottom, you are going to build a model for the whole of Africa,” she said.

She was addressing a meeting on the institute’s premises here on Tuesday. Ellen, who also won the Indira Gandhi International Peace Prize, said Liberian healthcare system faced complex challenges. Finding people, training them and retaining them in the system were some of the challenges. “Scarcity of financial resources limit allocations,” she said.

Stating that the country was able to reverse the situation, she said key indices were on the rise. Reduction in child mortality rate was one such example.