The happenings in Tamil Nadu have the nation holding its breath, and right at the centre of things is Governor Chennamaneni Vidyasagar Rao, who turns 75 on Sunday.

All eyes are riveted on the man, whose decision will not only determine who will rule TN for the next four years, but also go into the textbooks on how a Governor, who typically is seen more than heard, can play a very critical role in the political events of a State.

Today, Rao has to muster his over 50 years of political experience to find an amicable solution to the political turmoil in TN.

His gubernatorial decision needs to be at once quick, practical, impartial and constitutionally correct.

All eyes are trained on him because he is a BJP government appointee, and the party is desperate to make inroads into South India — particularly Kerala and TN — and any decision he makes is bound to be examined against that backdrop.

Firebrand student

A firebrand student leader hailing from Karimnagar district, known as a Naxal hotspot, Rao graduated in law from Osmania University and led many agitations.

He has fought many a tough battle, and served as both MLA and MP.

A hardcore BJP man who began his political journey with the Jan Sangh, Rao has long years of experience, both in governance and opposition roles. He served as Home Minister in the Atal Bihari Vajpayee-led NDA government in 1999-2004.

The stockily built, moustache sporting, affable-looking politician now faces the biggest acid test of his career. Will he follow established democratic norms and invite the leader who claims majority in the House to form government, or will he pay heed to populist sentiment and realpolitik?

While many political analysts and legal luminaries have given their views, the last word will definitely be the responsibility of this lawyer-turned politician.

Rao can draw from the experience of his family of politicians and economists. Among his four brothers is the late Ch Rajeswara Rao, a Communist leader who joined the Telugu Desam at the fag end his career, and Ch Hanumantha Rao, the well known Left-wing agriculture economist and former Planning Commission member.