Launching BJP’s poll campaign for Uttar Pradesh, its chief Amit Shah today played up the surgical strikes and attacked Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi over OROP, questioning why none of the previous governments led by his family members had implemented it for decades.

Sending out a message to Pakistan, he said, “Yeh Manmohan Singh sarkar nahi hai. Yeh Narendra Modi ki sarkar hai. Hum eent ka jawab pathar se denge. Goli ka jawab gole se denge. (This is not Manmohan Singh government. This is Narendra Modi government. We will give a befitting reply to any aggression (by Pakistan).”

His comments came against the backdrop of surgical strikes carried out by Indian army against terror launch pads across the LoC in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir on September 29.

Shah criticised Rahul Gandhi for his comments after surgical strikes that the Prime Minister was doing ‘khoon ki dalali’ (using blood of soldiers for political gains).

He also attacked Rahul for his activism on ‘One Rank, One Pension’ (OROP), saying, “he seems to have forgotten that the issue is very old. There were governments headed by Indira Gandhi, there was government headed by your father (Rajiv Gandhi) and for 10 years there was government of UPA with Sonia Gandhi at the helm. Where were you then? Why was OROP not implemented then?

Referring to protests by Rahul recently, Shah said, “It is very shameful that vote politics is being done on the suicide of an ex-serviceman to mislead the people.”

He added that the people will not get influenced as they know the reality and servicemen know that it is the Modi government which has given them OROP.