The end game of the fast unfolding political drama in Kerala may be nearing with Chief Minister Oommen Chandy setting up one last meeting with rebellious government chief whip PC George later this evening.

Chandy told newspersons here he doesn’t want to prolong the suspense and will take a decision on the internecine war in the Kerala Congress (M), the second largest constituent of the ruling UDF coalition.

The day started early enough with George igniting a political bomb before the media, aimed at the character of State Finance Minister KM Mani’s son Jose K Mani, an MP.

Observers had only been waiting for George to hit Mani’s family where it hurts the most — raise charge of moral turpitude against a member with a public face.

Solar scam

George has sought to link Jose with Saritha S Nair, who has been at the centre of the infamous solar scam that nearly cost the Chief Minister his chair when it peaked last year.

And George says he’s hardly finished. He would reserve his ammo against the family for more opportune moments, “which won’t be too long”.

But George denied having released the purported contents of the letter in which Nair is alleged to have mentioned Jose’s name.

Jose shot back, saying he was being blackmailed by George and some goonda elements. He had met with Nair once for what was strictly official business, he added.

Meanwhile, Nair herself spoke to the media from Pathanamthitta, saying she didn’t have anything to do with Jose. Purported contents of the letter now in public domain are forged, she insisted.

The new developments have only steeled the resolve of Mani, who insists that George be stripped of the chief whip post.