The Kerala government proposes to provide interest-free bank loans to refurnish flood-hit houses in order to make them habitable, according to Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan.

Speaking to newspersons here in Thursday, he said loans up to Rs 1 lakh would be provided to the female head of the family, and its interest would be borne by the government.


There are 10.41 lakh people belonging to 2.79 lakh families in 2,774 relief camps as on date. A special Onam kit comprising 5 kg of rice will be distributed to those who return home, after sanitation.

The relief camps have mainly been set up in schools and colleges. However, after the Onam vacation, the inmates would be shifted to halls or auditoriums.

The government has instructed district collectors to find suitable halls for the flood-hit. Simultaneously, rebuilding or repairing flood-hit houses, too, should be carried out, the Chief Minister said.

Rehabilitation plans too are on the anvil; people residing in disaster-prone areas would be shifted to suitable locations. This would be done after consultations, and after arriving at a consensus, he said.

Steps are being taken to restore electricity in the flood-hit area. Of the 50 substations which were affected by the deluge, 41 have been reconnected.


Of the 16,158 transformers affected in the floods, 13,477 have been recharged, and of the 25.6 lakh service connections disrupted, 21.61 lakh have been restored, the Chief Minister said.

A massive sanitation drive is on and 37,626 wells and 60,593 houses were cleaned on Thursday. "We have roped in the forces to carry out burial of animal carcasses," he said.

Help is flowing in to the disaster-hit state and donations made by judges and lawyers of the Kerala and Punjab High Courts and Supreme Court are commendable, the Chief Minister said.

The state government’s focus is now on rehabilitation and rebuilding, and it hopes for united efforts in this regard. "We should not let baseless allegations distract us," the Chief Minister said.

Earlier, he visited various camps in the flood-hit areas today. “Inmates are satisfied with the food and facilities at camps. But there is anxiety over their flood-hit houses, which would be addressed,” he said.