The Lakshadweep Administration decided to increase shipping operations from Mangaluru mainly because the port is closer to several islands of Lakshadweep compared to Beypore, according to an affidavit filed by the Administration in the Kerala High Court

The affidavit, filed in response to a public interest litigation challenging the decision of the Administration to close down dairy farms, said that the facilities available at Mangaluru were much better than that of Beypore. Operating of ships and barges from Mangaluru would help reduce the time taken for operations to many of the islands as well as the expenses involved.

The affidavit denied the allegation of the petitioner that the ban on liquor had been lifted. In fact, the Lakshadweep Prohibition Regulation provides for granting of licences for the consumption and sale of alcohol. Recently, licences were issued to the Tourism Promotion Society (SPORTS) under the Administration to serve liquor in three of its beach resorts in three different islands to non-islanders. This was done for the purpose of catering to the needs of the tourists. The issue of licence was perfectly in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations, it said.

Closure of dairy farms

After a detailed analysis, it was felt imprudent to continue the functioning of the dairy farms that was suffering huge losses of more than ₹90 lakh per year. Therefore, it was decided to stop the functioning of the dairy farms. The Secretary of Animal Husbandry department had directed the Director to take steps to close down the dairy farms and to conduct auction for the sale of animals. The decision to close down the farms had no relation to the proposed Animal Preservation Regulation, the Administration informed the court

The affidavit further added that disengagement of excess casual employees working in various establishments was a step to prevent loss to the public exchequer. No government could afford to keep casual employees and pay them without any work.

The head of the Union Territory Administration had been acting in accordance with law and the administrative reforms made by the Lakshadweep Administration were all well within the Constitutional framework. An organised and politically motivated campaign at the behest of some political parties was going on against the Lakshadweep Administration and the petitioner had filed this writ petition to contribute to the political campaign, the affidavit pointed out.