Even as Maharashtra is engulfed by the second wave of Covid pandemic with rising fresh cases, the State Health Department is ramping up capacity to inoculate more and more people. Health Secretary of Maharashtra, Pradeep Vyas on Thursday said that the state is at the top position in the country by crossing the 50 lakh doses inoculation.

The Maharashtra Health Department on Wednesday had reported 31,855 new cases of Covid, which is the highest single day rise since the beginning of the pandemic

A cumulative report of Covid vaccination updated till Thursday has revealed that across the country 5,31,45,709 (5.31 crore approx) dosages have been administered, out of which, in Maharashtra, 50,14,747 (50.14 lakh approx) beneficiaries have received their dosage. On the second rung is Rajasthan with 49,94,574 (49.94 lakh approx) and Uttar Pradesh is on third position with 47,56,799 (47.56 lakh).

On January 16, mass vaccination was commenced in the state. In the first phase of the vaccination programme Covid warriors, which include medical personnel, police officers and staff of revenue department were given the vaccines. During the time, 285 centres were organised in the state for vaccinating about 28,500 health workers. In March, the beneficiaries list was expanded to include senior citizens and those above 45 years with co-morbid conditions.

On Wednesday, 2.70 lakh persons were inoculated in 3,203 vaccination sessions. Out of the total beneficiaries inoculated, 2.09 lakh received Covishield and the 61,300 people administered with Covaxin.

According to a presentation made at the state cabinet meeting, till March 23, 4,57,240 (4.57 lakh approx) beneficiaries in the age group of 45 and 60 with comorbid conditions such as diabetes and hypertensions received their first jab. In the senior citizen group, the number rose four times to 20,86,703 (20.68 lakh approx). The State Government has received 76,01,500 dosages (76.01 lakh) of vaccine from the two pharma companies.