The Tamil Nadu government on Monday said Karnataka’s request for talks on the Mekedatu issue “is an attempt to impede” proceedings in the Supreme Court and asked it not to go ahead with the DPR on the project and also any other construction in the Cauvery river basin without its nod.

Law Minister C Ve Shanmugham was responding to Karnataka Water Resources Minister DK Shivakumar, who had last week written to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K Palaniswami seeking an appointment with him to discuss the proposed project and reach an amicable solution.

Shivakumar had said the project will help in regulating judicious release of water so that excess water is not allowed to flow from the Mettur dam in Salem in Tamil Nadu into the sea needlessly as has had happened this year. He had wanted to discuss with Palaniswami, the “misconceptions” over his State’s proposal for a dam.