In an apparent softening of its stand on the remarks made by Beni Prasad Verma against Mulayam Singh Yadav, the Samajwadi Party Parliamentary Party today slammed the Union Minister but decided to go slow on the issue following the intervention of Congress President Sonia Gandhi.

But, at the same time, the SP continued to keep the Government on tenterhooks on its outside support by authorising Yadav to “take any decision on any issue at an appropriate time in the interest of the party”.

The Government requires the crucial support of the SP, which has 22 MPs in the Lok Sabha, in the backdrop of the DMK pulling out of the UPA.

During an hour-long meeting of the Parliamentary Party, several MPs slammed Verma for his remarks that Yadav takes commission to extend support to the UPA.

But Yadav was of the view that since Sonia Gandhi and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh have personally intervened on the issue of Verma’s remarks, the party should wait for the outcome.

It was also decided that the party would not create hurdles in the passage of the Appropriation Bill as well as the Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill.

“It is our duty also to get the Appropriation Bill passed,” Yadav said after the meeting.

The SP chief decided to keep his cards close to his chest when he said that the MPs have authorised him to take any decision on various issues at an appropriate time.

“How can you decide on the time. I will take a decision on various issues when the time comes,” Yadav said.