The Delhi Police’s decision to evict from the Jantar Mantar ex-servicemen who had organised a protest demanding One Rank One Pension (OROP) on the eve of Independence Day invited criticism from the Opposition parties.

While Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi accused the government of ignoring Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s promises made on the issue, the government said an announcement on OROP implementation would be made soon.

Various Opposition parties had expressed their solidarity to the former soldiers, who have been protesting for over two months now. A controversy began when the Delhi Police evicted them from the venue as part of the “clean-up drive” ahead of Independence Day celebrations. When protests against police action strengthened, Delhi Police Commissioner BS Bassi intervened and allowed the soldiers to continue their agitation.

Rahul Gandhi, who visited the venue, protested the police action and demanded that those who had protected the country be treated well. “The reality is that our Prime Minister makes promises very easily but he fails to fulfil them. He had promised jobs to youth but ‘Make in India’ did not succeed. He promised to clean India. But Swachh Bharat did not yield results. He promised his corporate friends that he will get them the Land Bill approved. But it did not happen. Similarly, he also promised to implement OROP, but it has not materialised,” Gandhi said after meeting the soldiers.

Rahul faces protests

He, however, had to face some protests from a section of ex-servicemen. They said they will not allow their protest to be politicised and urged the Amethi MP to go back. They were, however, pacified later by other veteran soldiers.