Processing of claims and their settlement post-Kerala floods will now pick up speed in line with a secular trend witnessed nationally in the aftermath of such natural disasters, says Oriental Insurance.

"We just got two working days to organise everything. Firstly, the claim information has to reach us," said AV Girija Kumar, Chairman and Managing Director, Oriental Insurance.


"What we've seen is that in every calamity scenario there is a lag in getting the information and processing it. But subsequently both pick up very fast," Kumar told newspersons here.

As part of uniform, simplified guidelines issued to PSU general insurance companies, waiver of delay in claim intimation has been extended to September 30 for the general public.

A simplified intimation cum claim form and survey report has been made available and interim relief of up to 50 per cent of interim assessment will be provided within the first week.

In case of records being washed away, the proof that can be submitted instead are: bank documents, income tax, audited accounts, property tax receipt from Revenue Department, electricity board card, Aadhaar card, or lease agreement.

Claims settlement up to Rs 1 lakh in householders’ policy will be settled without bills within five days, Girija Kumar said.


In motor insurance for two-wheelers, immediate assistance of Rs 3,500 will be given for carrying out simple repairs without bills within three days.

For other claims, 60 per cent of assessed loss would be settled on cash loss basis. Registration certificates and driving licences that have been washed away would be verified online and originals would not be insisted upon.

As for personal accident and cattle claims, post-mortem certificates and inspection of carcass have been waived. The public general insurers have, in turn, demanded that veterinary doctors or animal husbandry department officials issue a certificate with respect to missing cattle or death of cattle.

The state government must issue a list of missing and dead persons. Death certificates may be issued expeditiously. Traders/ manufacturers must make available GST returns.


For total loss motor claims, cancellation/ re-issuance of vehicle registration certificates must be expedited to process total loss/constructive total loss claims.

Meanwhile, the insurance companies have appointed nodal officers in all the affected districts. Text messages have been sent to policyholders and details of insurance camp offices published.

Advice to the insured have been published in newspapers and visual media on (i) not to start a submerged vehicle (ii) not to wash and (iii) take photographs.

Intimations of claims would be accepted even over phone. Surveyors have been instructed to present themselves at the doorsteps and provide immediate advice through a simplified survey report.

One surveyor has been appointed for a cluster of residences covered under fire/ householders/ shopkeepers’ policy to rule out differences in severity of flooding in that area.

Monitoring cells have been opened at the regional and head offices for reviewing settlement of claims on a day-to-day basis. Simplified salvage disposal procedures are available for perishable goods.