India on Sunday rejected as “irresponsible and preposterous” Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi’s comments that India was planning to attack Pakistan again between April 16 and 20.

External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Raveesh Kumar said the comments by the Pakistani Foreign Minister were aimed at whipping up war hysteria in the region.

‘Public gimmick’

“India rejects the irresponsible and preposterous statement by the Foreign Minister of Pakistan with a clear objective of whipping up war hysteria in the region. This public gimmick appears to be a call to Pakistan-based terrorists to undertake a terror attack in India,” Kumar said.

The MEA spokesperson’s statement came hours after Qureshi said in a press conference in Multan that Pakistan has “reliable intelligence” that India is planning to attack Pakistan again between April 16 and 20. India struck the biggest terrorist training camp of terror group Jaish-e-Mohammed deep inside Pakistan on February 26 nearly two weeks after the Pulwama terror attack in which 40 CRPF personnel were killed.

On February 27, the Pakistan Air Force retaliated and downed a MiG-21 in an aerial combat and captured an IAF pilot, who was handed over to India on March 1.