Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday urged residents of Delhi to avoid bursting firecrackers at any cost this Diwali and help reduce the pollution levels in the city.


“You are playing with the lives of your own family by bursting crackers. The situation of pollution and Covid is worsening in Delhi, I would like to request the people of Delhi to not burst crackers this year for the sake of your children and families,” Kejriwal told a virtual press conference.

Laxmi Puja

Kejriwal also appealed to the residents of Delhi to perform Laxmi Puja with him this Diwali.

Also read: Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai launches anti-cracker campaign

“Delhi government will organise and livestream Lakshmi Puja this Diwali. I appeal to the two crore people of Delhi to join in by performing the same rituals at their homes,” he said.

“I believe that when the people of Delhi will perform Lakshmi Puja from their homes at the same time, it will generate very positive vibes across Delhi.”

On November 14, at 7:39 PM, Kejriwal will perform Lakshmi Puja with his Cabinet ministers.

Stubble burning

On the issue of stubble burning, Kejriwal said that Delhi has given an alternative to stubble burning with the newly-developed bio-decomposer technique and expressed hope that “this will be the last year when we have to tolerate pollution due to stubble burning”.

Also read: Delhi’s air quality improves due to high wind speed, but still ‘poor’

In an effort to provide an alternative to stubble burning, the Delhi government has taken a crucial step in association with the PUSA Institute. Now, the farmers would not need to burn the stubble; they can use a chemical developed by the PUSA Institute on the fields, and the stubble would turn into manure in just 20 days.

Kejriwal said that there are adverse effects of both coronavirus and pollution in Delhi this year. The Delhi government, along with the people of Delhi, are making all efforts to deal with the issue, he said.

“The situation of coronavirus is deteriorating due to pollution. Every year, the smoke from stubble burning causes pollution in Delhi. This has been continuing for many years now, but no state government has provided any effective solution to the problem of stubble burning. I have spoken to many farmers in the neighbouring states, who say they do not want to burn stubble because it kills the good bacteria on the farmlands, makes the soil infertile, and causes major pollution. But, they do not have any option because they are provided with no alternative to the problem. I hope that this is the last year when we have to suffer due to pollution. No government should be able to make any excuse to not provide an alternative to stubble burning, as Delhi has given an alternative to all the states,” he added.