National Housing Bank is in talks with German Government bank KFW for a second line of credit to support energy-efficient houses.

This credit line, for €100 million, is in addition to the €50 million already provided by KFW since December 2010.

NHB has already drawn down €30 million from the first line of credit and the balance will be drawn by March 2014, R. V. Verma, Chairman and Managing Director, NHB, told Business Line .

NHB is using this credit to refinance individual home loans for energy-efficient housing units.

Verma said NHB was keen to promote energy-efficient homes in India and claimed that the concept was a ‘big hit’ in Karnataka and the National Capital Region (among private developers).

An IT toolkit — globally standardised — has also been developed for measuring energy-efficiency, he added.

Energy-efficient programmes, which hitherto targeted premium housing, are now being promoted even for middle-income apartments, say industry observers.

In the next couple of years, the cost of implementing such programmes will be the same for both high- and middle-income apartments, it was pointed out.

Verma also said NHB is in talks with KFW for a €100 million line of credit for low-income housing.