In a major boost to the green building movement in the country, India has crossed the 3 billion sq.ft mark of registered green building footprint.

Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), part of CII, facilitated India to cross this magical landmark of 3 billion sq.ft of registered green building footprint. This has further consolidated India’s leadership position as the second country in the world with largest green building footprint after the US.

Prem C Jain, Chairman, IGBC described this as a red-lettered day in India’s Mission to facilitate a greener and healthier India. This is a result of concerted efforts of all the stakeholders of Indian construction industry and was possible due to the role played by the stakeholders.

Jain said this significant progress was possible as green buildings make good business sense. This key proposition is encouraging stakeholders go the Green Buildings way.

Over the years, India has gained enough experience and has vision, leadership, technical expertise and wherewithal on addressing various aspects of sustainable construction.

India will set new global standards in design, construction and operation, Jain said.

IGBC aspires to facilitate 10 billion sq.ft by 2022 coinciding with India’s 75th year of Independence.