According to doctors in Bengaluru, one in every three coronavirus patients suffer Acute Kidney Injury (AKI), The New Indian Express reported.

This falls in line with the study published last week on the impact of Covid-19 on the kidney. A Cleveland based researcher stated in his study that the coronavirus attacks the kidneys, leaving some Covid-19 patients to require ongoing dialysis after leaving the hospital, as per the study published on the website

He further noted that kidney disease, both pre-existing and caused by Covid-19, is linked to a higher risk of dying from the coronavirus.

Elaborating on the impact of coronavirus on the kidney, Jagadish Hiremath, CEO, Ace Suhas Hospital, said: “Kidney cells have receptors that enable the new coronavirus to attach to them, invade and make copies of itself, potentially damaging these tissues. The virus can cause small clots in the bloodstream, which can clog small blood vessels in the kidney and impair its functioning. Also, cytokine storms can destroy kidney tissues.”

According to Suri Raju V, chief urologist and MD, Regal Multi-Speciality Hospital, as cited in the TNIE report, the Covid-19 positive patients admitted to the intensive care are more likely to suffer from AKI. However, the long-term effects of Covid-19 on the kidneys are yet to be understood.

He believes that people who are suffering from chronic kidney disease are more prone to developing AKI. While those who do not have any kidney related issue may develop chronic kidney diseases.

He recommended regular follow-ups with doctors even if Covid-19 recovered patients think their kidneys are functioning normally.

Prakash GK, senior consultant, Nephrology, Manipal Hospitals, Malleswaram, said: “A higher incidence of AKI and also mortality has been noticed among Covid patients. Many such cases are among the elderly, who have co-morbidities and require ventilation. A patient develops AKI when the kidneys stop working suddenly, within two days or less. AKI progresses through three stages and the last stage requires dialysis.”