The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has scrapped Deccan Chargers from the Indian Premier League, citing the franchise’s inability to effectively run the team.

This decision was taken late on Friday night at an emergency meeting of the IPL Governing Council in Chennai.

A release quoting Sanjay Jagdale, Honorary Secretary, BCCI, said that the board had received a lawyer’s notice invoking arbitration from Deccan Chronicle Holdings (the franchise’s owner), stating that it had not committed any breaches, and even if such breaches were committed, the BCCI should not act to terminate the franchise till Yes Bank furnishes sufficient finance to cure the breaches.

“By this, Deccan Chronicle Holdings has admitted its inability to cure its breaches within the time stipulated in the BCCI notice, despite every bit of assistance from the BCCI,” the release said.

Fees overdue to players

The franchise’s promises that the fees overdue to players would be paid have remained unfulfilled, said the release.

“Any further extension of time would seriously prejudice the interests of the players. Considering the stated position of the Deccan franchise to refuse to rectify the various defaults, including payments to players and foreign boards, and the deleterious effect such conduct would have on the reputation of the IPL and the franchise itself, a decision was taken to forthwith terminate the Deccan Chargers franchise… due to the absolute inability of the franchise to effectively run the team,” the release said.

The Mumbai High Court heard counsels of the BCCI and Deccan Chronicle Holdings on the termination issue on Saturday. The matter has been posted for hearing on Monday, said a release quoting Sanjay Jagdale.

Special purpose vehicle

Banks are ready to form a special purpose vehicle to take control of Deccan Chargers. They have given a proposal.

“We have never seen anything like this. We are ready with the tender for the new team. But we need to wait for the court orders,” said an official who was at the special working committee meeting of the BCCI here.

N. Srinivasan, President, BCCI, said that he cannot comment on the issue since the matter is sub judice.