What gadgets do you use?

I have two BlackBerry Bolds that along with my Jabra Bluetooth earphone are inseparable from me. I use an extremely portable Lenovo ThinkPad x220 for all my office work and love watching movies or playing games with my son on my Apple iPad 3.

What is your latest gadget possession?

I bought the iPad a few months ago and have set my eyes on the Samsung Galaxy S III.

What is your dream machine?

For me the Audi R8 is a hands down winner, both as a regular use car as well as for fabulous driving getaways - esp. in the Alps with the hood down!

What do you not like about technology?

If only there was one mother gadget that does everything and anything related to business and personal communication and computing, life would be much easier and happier!

What apps or tools do you use personally and for what purpose?

My wife and daughter are also BlackBerry users, so BlackBerry Messenger is the most handy app for all of us, along with Office To Go, especially because of our intensive travels.

Biggest tech success according to you?

The ability to engage in multiple types of transactions -financial, personal, social or for entertainment; on the go, anywhere, anytime. Whilst we now take this for granted, if you even go back 5 years, the kind of progress that we have made in this arena is just mindboggling.

One instance where technology solved your problem.

A few years back, I was on the back roads in the US. There were neither street lights nor a soul in sight. And to my surprise, my car was almost out of gas. Luckily, the GPS in my car located a gas station a few miles away. I looked it up on my BlackBerry and called to make sure they were open and just managed to get there. Big relief.