The Supreme Court has, by a majority decision, annulled the first round of the Presidential Election that was held on September 7, 2013, the Maldives High Commission in Delhi has said in a statement.

The Supreme Court directed that the first round of fresh Presidential Election be held before October 20, 2013, and the second round (if to be held) to be held before November 3, 2013.

The verdict was announced late last night on the case filed by the leader of the Jumhooree Party of Maldives, Qasim Ibrahim, alleging serious irregularities in the first round of the Presidential Election.

These irregularities related to the voter register and issues that could question the outcome of the first round of the election. The Progressive Party of Maldives had also submitted a case to the Supreme Court requesting for a postponement of the election to ensure that the irregularities in the Electoral Register are properly rectified.

The Supreme Court’s judgment was based on the fact that 5,623 votes were cast fraudulently. These include votes cast using false ID cards, in the name of the deceased, by minors, votes cast without a valid ID card, issues of double voting, votes cast using ID cards with conflicting permanent addresses and name differences as well as votes cast by those not registered under the Department of National Registration.

It was held that these 5,623 votes are sufficient to significantly alter the positions of the candidates that came second and third in the election which was 2,677 votes.

The Government has assured that it would do everything possible to ensure that the Supreme Court ruling is respected and that election process is completed in a peaceful and transparent manner as soon as possible and a smooth transfer of power takes place on November 11, 2013 as prescribed by the Constitution.

The Government has further sought support of friendly governments and International Organizations to assist the Government and all related parties including the Election Commission, and encourage everyone concerned to respect and abide by the Supreme Court ruling.

Supreme Court Guidelines for fresh elections

The Supreme Court also declared guidelines on how to proceed with the fresh Presidential Election. These include ensuring the right of every citizen above the age of 18 to cast their vote as well as developing the voter register according to the Department of National Registration’s database. The voter list must also be signed and finger-printed by all the Presidential Candidates and be visibly displayed to all.

Furthermore it was held that the security features of ballot slips must be enhanced. It was also held that the Elections Commission and the relevant state entities must collaborate on how to proceed within 72 hours of this verdict.