Republican lawmakers in the United States Senate have blocked a legislation backed by the President, Mr Barack Obama, which would cease tax incentives to the Americans companies that outsource jobs overseas.

The bill fell four votes short of the 60 needed to bring it to debate, with 42 voting against it.

Immediately thereafter the White House accused Republicans of “playing politics and coming in the way of jobs creation in the United States’’.

During the presidential campaign season, job creation is at the top of the agenda of Democrats and they are blaming outsourcing as a big contributor to the high unemployment rate in the country.

“Unfortunately, Republicans in Congress blocked this proposal from moving forward. Rather than encouraging companies to bring jobs back to our shores, they chose to play politics and block measures that will create jobs and strengthen the middle class,” the White House Press Secretary, Mr Jay Carney, said.

Senate Majority Leader, Mr Harry Reid, said in the past decade, American companies outsourced almost 2.5 million jobs.

“Today, Republicans blocked the Senate from debating a common-sense bill that would provide a new tax incentive to create more jobs here at home, and eliminate subsidies for companies that are shipping American jobs overseas,” he alleged.

Once again today, Republican Senators voted to protect companies that ship American jobs overseas, alleged Democratic leader, Ms Nancy Pelosi.