From a trip to Swami Akshardham temple to a meeting with students from the barefoot college, who have used solar lamps to change villages in Africa before witnessing a bespoke fashion show highlighting the handlooms of Banaras, and topping it off with an Indian meal specially prepared by two master chefs, the wives of the 17 African Heads of State of Government or State, will also have a busy day on Thursday.

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“We took many factors into consideration while drawing up the programme. The bottom-line was to showcase Indian culture and heritage at its very best.

“We feel we have come up with a package that is fair given the short time that we have free,” said Ruchira Khambhoj,  India’s Ambassador at UNESCO and former Chief of Protocol who has been called back for the Summit.


She pointed out that starting the tour at the temple will showcase the classic part of Indian culture, while the fashion show will emphasise the handlooms and textiles of the country.

“Besides, one of India’s best exports is food. We hope this programme gives our guests a glimpse into India,” she added.

Apart from the first ladies the select gathering will also include “prominent” Indian ladies from the Government and banking sector, the official said without giving any details.

The programme is expected to be attended by the spouses of the leaders of Angola, Burundi, Ethiopia, Gabon, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Sudan, Uganda and Tanzania among others.