The United States has welcomed the recent statement coming from the Chinese leadership which was critical of the ongoing provocative behaviour of the North Korea.

“We welcome the comment by the China that reflect its concern about North Korean actions and rhetoric,” the White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney told reporters here yesterday.

Carney said that the US has been consulting with the China about the need to use their influence on the North Korea to help bring about a reduction in its behaviour.

“We’ve also been in discussions with Moscow also about this,” he said.

“US has been very open about the fact that it is having conversations with the China to use their unique influence with North Korea on this matter.

“It is in the interest of regional stability, in the interest of every nation in the region as well as the world that the situation there stabilise and North Korea begin to take seriously its international obligations,” Carney said.

The US has said that North Korea’s statement advising foreigners to make plans to evacuate Seoul is more unhelpful rhetoric that serves only to escalate tensions.

“This kind of rhetoric will only further isolate North Korea from the international community and we continue to ask the North Korean leadership to heed President Obama’s call to choose the path of peace and to come into compliance with its international obligations,” he added.

Emphasising that the United States has seen these kind of bellicose rhetoric, provocative statements consistently, Carney said that end result of this behaviour has only isolated North Korea from the rest of the world and harmed its people.

“The North Korean leadership would be wiser to focus on developing its economy and assisting the people, who suffer under this kind of leadership that chooses development of missile programs and nuclear weapons rather than the feeding of its own people,” he said.

Carney said that the US is taking “necessary, prudent” measures to ensure that it is able to defend it’s allies homeland.

“We are working with our allies in Seoul and Tokyo on this matter and consulting with the Chinese and Russians to urge them to use their influence to prevail upon the North Koreans,” he said.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Saturday has said that China oppose provocative words and actions by any party in the region, and will not allow trouble making on country’s doorstep.