I joined a gym and exercised with 2-kg weights twice. Both times, the pain was so acute I had to take a painkiller to function the next morning. How do I deal with this? I’m ashamed when I see my friends lifting heavy weights and doing normal things later. I want to be strong like them too.

–Name withheld

My first rule of the fitness game, dude, is: don’t compare, don’t compete. I suspect you don’t drink enough water. So, here’s what you do this week.

For Tuesday and Wednesday: Drink two litres of water each day to hydrate your muscles. Eat three egg whites for breakfast to get protein into your system. Continue the two practices for the entire week along with add-ons given below:

For Thursday to Saturday: Start your exercise session with cardio to rev up your blood circulation and warm your muscles. Cycle 45 minutes briskly. Weight-train for 10 minutes with 1-kg dumbbells. Ensure your movements are smooth, not jerky. Spend the last five minutes cooling down.

If there’s no pain, you’ve found what works for you. Gradually increase your weights. Weight-train only three times a week. Take Sundays off.

I’m watching my weight and don’t want to overeat. But I feel ravenous at 3 pm — only two hours after lunch! I eat whatever is available regardless of the calories involved. Is there something wrong with me? Help!

– Roni

Nothing’s wrong with you, Roni. You’re okay. Your body is asking for something…So? Big deal! It’s not an issue at all. Eat a couple of guavas or avocados. You will feel so settled and satisfied, you won’t need anything until late evening.

I work out 45 minutes a day at the gym — 20 minutes cardio and 25 minutes of light-weight training, abdominal crunches and a few floor exercises. Which energy/sports drink should I have for best results?


My answer will surprise you, Amar. Your best drink is water. Energy drinks may be useful for an athlete intensely training long hours. Go for water, sport!