You can’t live on ifs – if I make loads of money I’ll be happy. If-people are unfulfilled, stressed, ailing, unable to escape from the honey-trap of more money, more things, more meaninglessness. After all, money comes from your genius, money doesn’t make you a genius.

So, discard the if and nurture yourself – stay physically healthy, emotionally stable, mentally positive. When you get these fundas right, you exude quality in the way you learn, work, play, participate in seminars, public life. When you learn how to be your best, you give strong wings to your dreams.

BODY Approach exercising like a Buddha – the middle path of moderation married to consistency. Remember, the pay-checks of patience are health, joy, success. It’s foolish to leap into the advanced league too fast. Injured muscles, torn ligaments – who wants them? The body needs to learn at its pace, its level of flexibility.

Gyaan The art of exercising lies in sensing and floating over one’s physical boundaries, until the body breaks through them smoothly like a dolphin set free in the ocean.

EMOTIONS We need not shy away from our emotions as they inspire us, power us to forge ahead. Ah, but don’t let emotions alone make your decisions – let your intellect stabilise them and participate in the process.

Gyaan Awesome decisions come from sitting in a quiet place with a calm mind waiting…until whoosh! your intuition tweets the answer. It’s the right one if you feel comfortable with it.

MIND Know this: an open, positive, free mind is a powerful magnet for ideas. To keep it in mint condition: *Meditate daily. *Applaud somebody who doesn’t think like you. *Read voraciously. *Don’t always be over-eager to conform. Society may demand conformity, but life offers many choices. Unfold your own story. *When you come up against a wall, don’t quit; have fun thinking up ways to go around it, over it, through it. *Let every fall be an incentive to improve the speed with which you can get up.

Gyaan Don’t skip meals, skip negativism. Live your dream passionately. Be fit, be fulfilled. The money will come.

(The writer is co-author of the book Fitness for Life .)