Be the original wunderkind. Decide to be whole rather than perfect. Choose simplicity over consumerism. Prefer being carefree to being careless. I emphasise these qualities because too many teens and tweens are highly anemic, diabetic or have high blood pressure. Causes? Wrong food, thoughts, ways.

Get this: greasy, cheesy food dulls the mind, slows the body. Starving disorients thinking and lowers immunity. Persistent thoughts of the “I want more” kind make you dizzy from going around repeatedly in unfulfilled circles.

If you want life to be a clean, smooth marathon free of stress, obesity, anger, fear, fatigue, frustration, illnesses, then prioritise keeping body, mind, spirit fit, able, strong. Oh yeah, login to wellness with the gyaani password: prevention, every alphabet depicting life-enhancing wealth:

P — Pick healthy habits and persist for life.

R — Rev up blood circulation and stamina and strengthen your heart with regular cardiovascular stationary cycling for 30-60 minutes at80-100 rpm.

E — Eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pulses, low-fat dairy. Good-to-know: When we see food, the brain’s centre associated with craving acts up, leading to overeating. But when we exercise self-control, activity sparks in the frontal brain. This activity becomes more pronounced the more we exercise our will-power.

V — Value your talents and skills and use them fully. Seeking fulfilment without a commercial tag may not make money, but it makes miracles.

E — Endure discomforts or setbacks in life. They strengthen your experience quotient.

N — No is a powerfully effective word for drugs, alcohol, smokes, being bullied and negative thoughts.

T — Think and talk with great affection about yourself and others. Love makes you vibrantly aware of life smiling all around you, the present flowering for you, the future shining with your splendorous potential.

I — They have integrity who do their best without being watched. Be the kind of person you want your professor, partner, boss, Prime Minister to be. Also, integrity ensures excellent sleep.

O — Opt always to be so busy improving your mind and heart that you have no time left to complain.

N — Never give up on yourself.