The next day after a strenuous workout, I don’t feel like getting out of bed and invariably miss college.–Russel

You’re obviously overdoing it, Russel. Do fewer reps with lighter weights. You need to build your body with patience. As it’s said in fitness circles, you don’t get stronger during workouts; you get stronger after workouts – during recovery. It’s the care you take post-workout that makes the difference. Exercisers need protein – about 1.8 gram/kg bodyweight to 3 gram/kg, depending on the intensity of their workouts. Ensure sufficient fluids, sunshine and sleep. In sum, the perfect workout-and-post-workout-care should have you leaping out of bed. Whenever the muscles are sore, rest them for 48 hours – in recovering, they’ll grow stronger.

Sometimes I feel dehydrated and listless. But I don’t feel better after drinking water.Kruti

Don’t wait to feel dehydrated to drink water, Kruti. The body needs constant fluid replenishment. So, drink before you feel thirsty. This way, you constantly maintain your blood volume and prevent listlessness. Drink water, lemon sherbet, carrot juice, coconut water. Start the day with 2 glasses of water, have 2 more 4 times a day. You’ll feel great.

Why do health gurus tell us not to sit on the computer or watch TV at night before bedtime?Candy

It’s because they emit a bright light, Candy. This prevents our body from allowing the sleep hormone melatonin from rising. And when that happens, we don’t sleep well. Darkness allows the melatonin to rise and ensure a sound sleep.

Which is the best exercise?Jojo

There are 3 kinds of exercises – low impact for everyday living, high impact for athletes and therapeutic for rehabilitation. Find the one that feels right for you and enjoy doing it.


The writer is co-author of the book Fitness for Life and teacher of the Fitness for Life programme.