We’ve got this great big green lawn in our society’s compound. And I’m dying to walk barefoot on it. Can I do it? Or must I wear shoes?


Go ahead and walk barefoot on the grass, Anju. It’s a beautiful way to connect with Mother Nature and is fantastic for health.

You impart your energy to the earth and absorb its healing energies into your system. There’s a growing belief that the effect is akin to having anti-oxidants. Gyaan: Keep on the grass and inflammations keep off you.

My family is heavily diabetic, so I follow a balanced diet and run 4 times a week. But my mom says I should not chat late into the night with my friends as lack of sleep would put me at risk of getting diabetes. She’s kidding, right?


Sorry, Sampoorna, to disappoint you, but your mom isn’t kidding. Deep sleep does help the body to process sugar effectively.

Whereas, lack of sleep can derail the process and cause diabetes even in the young. Talking to your friends would stimulate and not give you quality sleep. Instead, read something poetic and beautiful at bedtime. You’ll feel you’re sleeping on Cloud 9.

I love eating and hate exercising. Yes, I am overweight and need to lose 20 kg. I enjoy studying. I know my mom worries over my excess weight. How do I get into this whole exercising scene?


Obviously, you love using your mind more than your body.

There is no ‘whole exercising scene’, Dinu. You’ve built it up as something big and undo-able. Instead, do what successful people do-stick to small steps. There is power in momentum.

Don’t be afraid to take a few small steps that comprise a 15-minute walk every morning. Don’t bother about increasing the time-span. Just get off the starting-line and take those few steps.

Remember, the ‘undo-able’ is simply the untried. Do and you’ll go past the ‘try’ mark. Little steps multiply quicker than you think. Do it. Walk to the threshold… and beyond.