Emulation begins very naturally in infancy when the baby apes the parent in speech and behaviour. To the infant, the adult is the hero and the ultimate, and therefore copying the adult lends conviction and the credibility to the behaviour. For the little child, this is acceptable, even celebrated behaviour.

We all grow up with super heroes who are timeless and an all-encompassing influence on children. From Phantom to the recent Iron Man, youngsters and even grown-ups like to traverse fantasy world to feel super and superior. The attraction is based on the costume and action but the deeper intelligence, confidence and strength are more important traits to acquire.

Brand ambassadors are usually celebrities as people willingly buy what their favourite heroes use. While it is good to ape a person you admire, the buck stops with physical appearance. It will not suffice to use the same brand your favourite professor buys, for the professor is not popular for the branded shirt he wears but for the depth and proficiency in his subject.

We grow up looking for role models to style ourselves on. Sometime ago I happened to watch an interview of a girl from a remote village who topped the civil services examination. She said she realised the only way to evolve in terms of competencies is to observe and emulate people. She would look for only exceptional qualities and make a note to internalise and cultivate similar behaviour.

While such a structured approach to copying is not feasible for all, it will do good to observe and discern for good qualities that are worthy of emulation. The instinct could be to idealise and imitate, most often, the superficial physical image; what is more sustaining and immensely useful is to look for excellent attributes to imbibe.

Student life is a blend of several influences from comics, movies, media, politicians and, due to proximity and interface, several academicians. Role models influence academic and career choices and these choices are many times indirect through various factors.

Emulation, or learning through observation, goes beyond mere imitation. After all, people do not improve if they do not have a standard to look up to or an example to follow. It is good to analyse what exceptional qualities these role models possess that makes them stand out amongst people. The qualities could range from a strong and dynamic personality, good leadership skills, excellent communication and the ability to work successfully with people.

Characteristics like simplicity, humaneness, sensitivity, positive attitude and patience are things we can learn from people who, by virtue of these, have become successful. These people who can come from different walks of life have the ability to motivate others to accomplish significant things in professional as well as personal life.

While it is not advisable to blindly follow your role model, it will help to pick out the traits that have made the person your role model and cultivate the same to suit your college and career interests.

Ultimately, a role model can boost your confidence and the probability that one day you can become like your hero will provide an exciting prospect which will in turn motivate you to excel in your pursuits. Such stimulation and encouragement needs to be properly channelled for best and positive outcomes.

Look for inspiration in your role model, cull out traits that you would like to imbibe but choose your career and lead your life to, one day, be a role model yourself for the next generation.

(The author is CEO and MD of Randstad India, a leading HR services company.)