Is there something like too much of social media? Are Facebook, Twitter, and Whatsapp dominating our lives and do you like it?

PGP students from Indian Institute of Management Indore share their views:

Maslow’s hierarchy highlights the importance of social needs, putting it just after physiological and safety needs. Social media fulfils this need of both the busy and not so busy people. Is there too much of social media? There is no clear answer; it is always possible to draw a line on its usage. Yes, I appreciate the importance of it in my life. It’s my social identity and fulfils a social need. Though the privacy settings limit stalking, the commercial use of personal data is still a big concern.

— Pallav Yadav

You can chat with anyone any time anywhere through smartphone apps such as Whatsapp, Wechat, and so on. Social media is never too much. Among the present generation as it enhances communication, creativity, collaboration, technological proficiency, business opportunities, and so on. “We are what we share” and we do it via Twitter, Facebook, or Whatsapp. If Facebook were a country it would be the third largest and this shows its reach.

— Vinay Raj Chowhan

Since ancient times, knowledge has been a critical source of power for mankind. The long established Varna system, of the Vedic age, was based on the knowledge that different sets of people possessed and the edge they gained out of it. While earlier, it was passed from one generation to another in a secretive manner, the information explosion of modern times with the advent of technology enables instant dissemination to the masses. Social media has revolutionised the way people think, discuss, act and behave. From the Jasmine revolution to rejuvenating democracy by being truly instrumental in the win of a non-seasoned politician in the Indian capital, it has truly made a mark on our lives. With the world getting closer and relations getting weaker it gives new hope for people to stay together and bond in spite of their busy schedules.

— Kumar Shourav

I like using social media, but I also know when to draw the line. Despite staying away from family and friends, I am able to stay in touch with them and be a part of their lives. But social media also breeds an obsession of yearning for public approval. There is little respect on the e-space for one’s privacy. We are supposed to be old enough to vote, but are we adult enough to resist the charms of the social media? The trick is to strike a balance between technology as a tool, and technology as a replacement for human companionship.

— Anusha M.

“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will live as one.” Little would have John Lennon known how close we are to living this dream. Social media has moved way past being just a tool to stay connected. It has transformed our lives deeply and changed the way we interact with the world and with one another. We love it because it has finally helped the masses find their lost voice. We hate it because it has created a noise of anonymous voices with opinions we cannot stand.

— Namrata Lohat

Social media provides us with a wonderful platform for real time communication. With rapid advancement in technology, it has acquired multiple layers of functionalities which offer rich utility. Social media has reduced the distance any two corners of the world to a ping. It helps us keep connected with our family and friends, and thus keeps our valuable relationships alive. Though, social media can become all-encompassing by intruding into every fraction of our lives. Peer pressure and bullying on social media are some issues which have gained prominence of late, and have led to loss in confidence among people.

Animesh Raj

There is no denial that social media is everywhere and is the fastest channel for information. Without realising, we devote our share of time, effort and even mind to it! The ‘Industry Inc.’ is quick to tap it. Recent example of the rise of Arwind Kejriwal through Twitter and FB show us the impact of Social Media on our choices and opinions. We are being followed round the clock. Words like ‘privacy’ and ‘personal space’ have transformed into mere ‘settings’ on these platforms. Social media is good but we need to draw the line when it starts driving our lives.

A.V. Rahul

The great Albert Einstein said, “It has become appallingly clear that our technology has surpassed our humanity”. It holds true for the dominance of social media over people’s lives. It is evident from the following social media related statistics of 2013:

1. Twitter has 231.7 million monthly active users who spend an average of 170 minutes per month.

2. 95 per cent of Facebook users log in every day. Facebook accounts for 15.8 per cent of all time spent on the Internet.

I would recommend users to use social networking sites for the advantageous reasons but to also not let them hold you back.

Sneha Madhukar Meshram

Social media is taking a form of necessary evil. We click every corner of a place we visit. We have 100 of friends in our friend list whom barely know. We post every small detail of our life in a new language of slang. It has developed into the poetry of becoming. It has certainly played a big role in recent revolutions in Arab Spring and Indian democracy, but if we become obsessed with it, it can harm the most productive generation of our time.

Sudhir Chaurasia