Is there a natural remedy for the common cold? I don’t want to take any synthetic medication.


Good for you, Mintu! I recommend a mug of milk boiled with half a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Add 2 teaspoons of honey.

Drink it hot. There’s some evidence that Vitamin C-rich orange, cranberry or grapefruit juice could limit the cold to fewer days.

Finally, prevent constant recurrence by walking or running daily for half an hour. Gyaan: When you exercise, your body temperature rises and remains so for four to six hours after exercise. Cold germs can’t grow in a heated body.

I shampoo my hair in the morning and after working out at the gym in the evening. Will it ruin my hair?


Not at all. Go ahead and shampoo your hair twice a day, Ashwini.

Vigorous exercise creates sweat, salt, oiliness on the scalp. You literally give it breathing space by cleaning it. Gyaan: Each hair shaft is coated with cuticle – a tough protein. Real tough!

Abdominal exercises are the best way from a fat to a flat stomach.

Is this true or false?


False, big guy! There’s no spot-fat-burning, there’s only spot-toning. If you do loads of abdominal crunches, your tummy muscles will tighten, but the fat won’t go away so easily. To burn fat, you need to do cardio-runs, spot-jogs, cycling, walking, swimming or dance aerobics. Even so, fat will burn from all over the body, not only the abs. Dieting is also necessary to reduce fat and sport a flat stomach.

I’m seen as a human leftovers-bin by my college group because I finish whatever remains. Recently, I’ve been putting on weight. How do I get off this track? I hate food going waste.


Hey, Sharan, there are poor kids who go hungry. I suggest you doggy-bag the leftovers for them. And if your group has a budget to match a big heart, order a special treat for underprivileged kids alongside, yes? Gyaan: Remember, privileged kids are in a place where they don’t need more food but more self-control. Just say “No.”

(The writer is co-author of the book ‘Fitness for Life’ and teacher of the Fitness for Life programme.)