What do you think was the main topic of discussion of the people for the first six weeks of the New Year 2012, ushered in amidst doom and gloom of slowing economic growth? (a) Growth? (b) Investment? (c) Stimulus? (d) None of the above? You are right. It is (d). The all-devouring topic of the epochal period was the date of birth of a General who had a bright idea, late in the day of course, that he could hang up his boots a little later than his EDD (Expected Date of Departure). No other issue had such traction, as the TV news-watching public seemed to relate to the problem in a personal way, proving that fudging the date of birth (DOB) isn't so uncommon.


In fact, confusion on DOB is an age-old problem, dating to the first century. In the case of Jesus Christ whose date of birth marks the calendar we all follow, the dispute regarding his recorded year of birth is yet to be settled. And not counting mistakes in calculations and the change in the calendar itself, it is said that according to the Gospel of Mathew it should be 6 BC and according to Luke's 6 AD. Hindus, in order to avoid such controversies, conveniently recognised only dates in the lunar cycle, and even the precise moment within that, but not the year of the birth of their Gods, Ganesha, Rama and Krishna.

On a personal note, however, since the issue became a matter of public debate, I wanted, like everyone else, to have a look at the General's matriculation certificate, on which he based his case. I was hoping Arnab Goswami of Times Now would show it or at least wave it in front of the TV camera. I was disappointed. Putting myself in the General's position, I would be reluctant to show my matriculation certificate to anyone, least of all, to my wife. It will, in no way, enhance my status or reputation at home or elsewhere if they happen to see my scores too.

Curiously, though, it didn't occur to the General that he needn't have considered that those who tweaked his DOB were acting against his interest, particularly when he had reached his limit in career. Many advantages accrue by advancing the DOB, such as early restoration of commuted pension and receipt of additional pension in advancing years. And one can avail senior citizen concessions available to the civilian public earlier.


However, the fact remains, that one's DOB is unalterable. Yet, some contend that the Supreme Court (SC), while handing down its ruling, undermined the citizen's inalienable right to his or her true DOB. Had there been some forensic methods available, perhaps the SC could have ordered scientific investigation. Till now, using the appearance of the wisdom tooth as an indicator, one could determine the age of humans only when young.

However, recent research from Sweden shows that radioactive carbon-14 in tooth enamel can be used to determine the year of birth. Scientists have carefully recorded the steady decrease in carbon-14 with time, to the point that a given level of carbon-14 can now be matched to a specific year in the past 50-60 years. Since carbon-14 is incorporated into all living things, teeth too incorporate carbon-14 from the year they are formed. Since adult teeth develop around the 20th week of fetal gestation, the carbon-14 levels in the enamel can pinpoint the year of birth.