Still offline

The Public Enterprises Selection Board has highlighted its quandary regarding the quality of job applications it gets. According to a circular dated September 8, apparently some candidates for jobs in PSUs are still filling their applications ‘offline’despite the PESB categorically specifying that they should be filled online in order to be considered for selection. Why is this happening?

Aadhaar or else!

Telecom service providers are pushing the Government’s Aadhaar agenda by repeatedly reminding recipients to get their mobile numbers linked to the Aadhaar card.

But Idea seems to have gone a step ahead. A message received by recipients ordered consumers to get their mobile numbers linked to Aadhaar cards or face termination of services. To take the point further, the message sent at 7:49 am said that the consumer would have to approach an Idea service centre by 7 pm to continue services. Overkill wouldn’t you say?


The finance ministry seems amused at talks of a stimulus package to boost the economy and concerns over its fiscal deficit.

“We will get rogered either way! If we give a fiscal stimulus through higher spending or tax cuts, we will be told that the deficit is spilling over,” noted a senior official, adding that if they don’t, they risk being told that the economy is slowing down.

In what seems to be a mid-way solution, it has now asked PSUs to up capex!

Goyal’s saubhagya

“The entire Saubhagya scheme was prepared by Piyush Goyal…for three months before he moved to Railways, the Minister has been working on it…,” a power ministry official said.

Remind the official that he also came out with UDAY — meant to turn around the electricity distribution companies — which has yet to see success, and he says: “UDAY is a success. The turnarounds are visible. It will take time, but you will see the results.” Such loyalty! Well, that’s Goyal’s bhagya.

OD-ing on clarifications

Not a day goes by without the finance ministry issuing a clarification on GST. Clarifications also come from theGSTN, the PIB...

As one journalist pointed out, “Now this is overdose! Not good for health.”

Boot on the other foot

Ever since the corporate affairs ministry took the bold but hasty decision of disqualifying over 1 lakh directors associated with deregistered companies, the Registrar of Companies (RoCs) in metros and top-tiered cities are bustling with activity.

Many disqualified directors or their reps are making the rounds to RoCs to see how to remedy the situation, especially since the digital signatures of disqualified directors have been invalidated.

Needless to say, the RoCs are enjoying this new-found power. “All these days you never bothered to even acknowledge our existence and how is it that you are now paying us a visit?” is how an RoC official put it bluntly to a representative! Ouch!

The sting hurts

Corporate India is not amused by this recent government action, especially since the directors have not been given an opportunity to defend themselves or tell their side of the story.

Although India Inc may not be vocal in expressing its disappointment regarding this action, they definitely murmur in the corridors of power that principle of natural justice is not being followed by the ruling dispensation. The moot question is whether the Government with one fell swoop is getting even with those who are not on their side.

It’s difficult to take a call on this. However, if this trend continues, big business may not fully be on the BJP’s side in 2019.