Lies, white lies!

Corporate houses have their own way of reacting to negative publicity. Some hold informal briefings with editors. Others ignore the reports, or react sharply by giving stories to a rival publication. Since the present government assuming power, one group which has made headlines frequently is the Adani Group. And Adani’s decided to break its silence using the social media.

In a video released last week, it hit out against those protesting the Carmichael coal mine project saying they had an anti-development agenda. It said these anti-job activists have been spreading #WhiteLies against the project in Australia. The video goes on to counter allegations regarding profitability and terminal viability of the project, and claims there is a deliberate and “shameful attempt to twist facts and concoct lies to spin a false story”.

Branded expensive

Even before the roots of the GST tree could dig in, tax evasion termites have started corroding its foundation. At its 21st meeting held on September 20, the GST Council had recommended a 5 per cent GST rate on cereals, pulses and flours packed in containers and bearing a registered brand name. But non-branded foodgrain and pulses were exempt from GST. Not surprisingly, pulses suppliers have been quick to discard their association with brands to gain margins and avoid paying the new levy.

Online or off

RSS-affiliate Swadeshi Jagran Manch has taken a strong stand against a proposed agreement on e-commerce at the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership being negotiated between India and 15 countries including China, Japan and Asean. A day before the start of the next RCEP round in South Korea on Sunday, SJM shot off letters to Commerce Minister Suresh Prabhu and IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad stating that any commitment on e-commerce in RCEP will impact India’s small retailers, many of whom are already adversely affected by large e-trading portals. India also needs to retain control over its public data and the private data of its citizens and not hand it over to corporations for excessive profit-making, it added.

While many trade economists agree with SJM, there is speculation over the final stand the Centre will take on the matter. Let’s wait for the round to end.

GST blues

You can’t please everybody, and no one knows it better than politicians. The Indian Foundation of Transport Research and Training has been very vocal on various issues arising due to GST. In its latest noting, the IFTRT has said that the GST Council meetings have become a forum for taking out goods and services from the GST net and reducing tax rates on various items to appease the lobbies and keep an eye on State elections.

Zero pollution fireworks

Walking through the streets of Delhi is not easy especially during Diwali or post Diwali due to the heavy haze settling in, thanks to the crackers. The Supreme Court came to the city’s rescue this time by banning the sale of crackers. But did it make life easier?

Opinions vary. The general feeling was that though pollution levels were high, they were lower than last year. Endorsing this was Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Harsh Vardhan who said that the air quality in Delhi was better compared to last year. The Minister said the number of ‘Good’, ‘Satisfactory’ and ‘Moderate’ days had increased and the ‘Poor’ and ‘Very Poor’ category reduced significantly compared to 2016. But things could be better if a social movement is drummed up to combat pollution. Vardhan appealed to citizens to individually and collectively undertake one good, green deed every day. He also reiterated that scientists had been asked to develop zero pollution crackers.