In a letter from a soldier in Vietnam to his father while preparing a book titled Brave Men, Gentle Heroes: American Fathers and Sons in World War II and Vietnam, there was a quote from Greek Philosopher Plato:“only the dead have seen the end of war.”

Since October 7, TV screens and social media have been flooded with graphic content featuring violence and bloodshed in the besieged Gaza strip.

In Israel’s retaliatory strikes against Hamas’ October 7 offensive, more than 10,000 people have been killed in Gaza in 30 days of Israeli bombing (over 60 per cent of them women and children), which is more than the civilians killed in Russia’s war in Ukraine in 20 months. If we consider the attack by Hamas as terrorism, Israel is engaged in sheer murder of Palestinians.

The international community has not done enough to protect the rights of Palestinians. The silence of the West is deafening.

Diplomatic failure

The West will be wholly complicit in Israeli war crimes in Palestine if it doesn’t use diplomatic influence to isolate Israel, as it did with Iran, Russia and Iraq. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict stands as one of the most protracted and contentious disputes in modern history, marked by decades of violence, displacement, and human suffering. At its core, this conflict revolves around the quest for sovereignty and self-determination, with both Israelis and Palestinians claiming the right to a homeland.

The peace process between Israelis and Palestinians has yielded little progress because of the discriminatory bias of Western powers towards Israel. This diplomatic failure has led to a cycle of violence and instability.

Several rounds of peace talks, such as the Oslo Accords in the 1990s and the Camp David Summit in 2000, have failed to yield a lasting agreement.

The international community, including major powers and mediators, should use their diplomatic influence to create conditions for a sustainable peace process. The UN remains a puppet in the hands of Western powers, especially the US, in shielding Israeli war-crimes in the Gaza strip and the West Bank. The conflict’s humanitarian impact, including displacement, lack of access to basic services, and economic hardships, persists due to the failure of the UN. There should be sufficient pressure on Israel to comply with UN resolutions, which can lead to progress in resolving key issues such as borders, settlements, and the status of Jerusalem.

Western double standards

Israel, despite its controversial settlement policies and military actions, receives unwavering support from Western powers. US military aid to Israel has played a crucial role in Israel’s military capabilities and its ability to carry out operations in occupied territories. The US has providing diplomatic cover for Israel in international forums.

Human rights organisations are exhibiting double standards in their approach to different conflicts. These organisations are being handicapped by political agendas, donor interests, or pressure from powerful nations, impacting the objectivity of their reports and statements related to the Israeli actions in Palestine.

A just resolution requires acknowledging and rectifying historical injustices, ensuring the right of return for Palestinian refugees, and challenging the structures of occupation and discrimination. The two-state solution has been a viable approach to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict.

This diplomatic resolution aims to establish two separate and independent states coexisting side by side.

Although its implementation faces challenges, it will achieve a lasting resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict.

The writer is a research scholar at Central University of Kashmir and a columnist