No second helping & sweat a little, says Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan

1 Don’t take a second helping of food if you can help it. What you put in the plate that one time, just have that (and nothing more) even if you are feeling hungry. Also, do not waste food. When you are done, clean it up nicely which is good etiquette. But, remember, do not take a second helping.

2 Do not eat in between meals irrespective of how many meals you have. If you have breakfast, lunch and dinner, do not indulge in a chudwa in between or even the occasional roti or papad.

3 While I do not follow this myself, I do believe that if you can finish your eating before sunset, it is the best thing but I do know that this is extremely difficult in today’s time and age.

4 Exercise 30 minutes a day at least five times a week. And when I say exercise, I don’t mean huge heavy weightlifting but just to the extent that you sweat a little. And when you exercise, don’t listen to music or keep your telephone next to you.

5 Bathe three times a day (smiles), be hygienic and do not do alcohol or cigarettes (though I can’t say that), or coffee. Though yesterday I found out that coffee is good for health!