Police and administration officials faced some anxious moments on Monday and Tuesday convincing crowds of jobless youth that thronged automobile major Ford’s plant at Sanand, near here, where they were keen to attend “walk-in” interviews.

On its part, the company described it as a result of “rumours” that, as claimed in social media, suggested that these so-called “walk-in” interviews would take place on Ford’s campus on February 15.

In a statement, Ford said: “We would like to inform and clarify that no such event is planned at our Sanand plant or any other premises. Recruitment of ITI candidates at Ford is done at Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) and not directly at our premises. Ford has registered a complaint with police on the false advertisement and would advise you not to fall prey to such rumours as they intend to mislead you.”

It all started on Saturday with social media messages claiming that Ford will recruit 500 youths trained at ITIs in different trades. Only physically fit males, aged 18 to 26 years, and trained in those trades, were “invited” to attend the “campus” proceedings in which a written examination was to be followed by an interview. They were also asked to come equipped with the documents required.

The “invitation” also claimed the selected youths would be initially paid a gross salary of Rs.10,000 per month for a year plus other benefits.

The administration later issued an appeal to the youth, corroborating Ford’s statement, that this was just a rumour.