The council of the company secretaries institute has asked existing President S.N. Anathasubramanian to continue in office till a new President is elected and assumes charge of the affairs of the institute.

The council, which met here on Sunday, could not come to any final decision on who should succeed Ananthasubramanian, who was to demit office of ICSI President after the election of a new President on Sunday.

The council meeting — which lasted throughout the day — was adjourned without electing a new President, sources said.

It is a tradition for the company secretaries institute to elect the Vice-President as President.

Harish Vaid is the Vice-President and was widely tipped to take over the mantle from Anathasubramanian.

“The council of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) at its meeting held on 19th January 2014, requested CS S.N. Ananthasubramanian, President, and CS Harish K. Vaid, Vice-President to continue to hold office in terms of section 12 (4) of the Company Secretaries Act, 1980 until such time as a new President and a new Vice-President are elected and take charge of their duties”, said a statement issued by the institute.
