Infosys Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Infosys, has signed four Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences – Tata institute of Fundamental Research (ICTS – TIFR) Bengaluru, to support research and mentoring activities.

The Foundation has signed an MoU for the grant of ₹4 crore towards the Infosys Foundation excellence programme at ICTS. Through this grant, the Infosys Foundation ICTS Visitor Fellowship will provide for 25 academics to travel to India each year for the ICTS programs and will also provide a travel grant through the Infosys Foundation ICTS Excellence Grant for 20 academic members of ICTS to travel abroad.

The grants aim at creating learning experiences for students to participate in academic activities abroad and forge partnerships with renowned educational institutions across the world.

The second MoU is for a grant of ₹7.5 crore for organising lecture series by distinguished experts internationally and within India. This collaboration is aimed at creating an environment to exchange ideas and explore cutting edge research in basic sciences and mathematics.

The lectures will be known as Infosys ICTS Chandrasekhar Ramanujan and Turing Lecture Series. The lecture series will include Chandrasekhar Lectures in Physical science, Ramanujan Lectures in Mathematical Sciences and Alan Turing Lectures in Computer Science, Engineering and Biology.

The Foundation signed the third MoU for a grant of ₹3.35 crore to benefit nearly 200 students, faculty members and post-doctoral students (who will be referred to as Infosys Professors and Infosys Fellows in all their publications and events). This grant will be used towards supporting the 12th Kavli Asian Winter School in Strings, Particles and Cosmology, international group collaborations and meetings, and travel support for speakers and participants from India to travel to Strings 2018 in Okinawa.

Lastly, a grant of ₹85 lakhs was committed for the Homi Bhabha Chair Professorship to support research and mentoring activities. Under this MoU, the Chair will be referred to as the Infosys Homi Bhabha Chair Professor. The current incumbent is Prof. Spenta Wadia, the founding director of ICTS.