Tight supply of good quality cotton pushed up the fibre’s price on Monday. With this, good demand from domestic mills supported the price to go up. Traders said that arrival of cotton has declined and absence of good quality cotton in current arrivals has mainly increased the price. However, at the higher level demand has slightly moved down which limited the gains. Gujarat Sankar-6 cotton was up by ₹200 to ₹35,500-36,200 per candy of 356 kg. About 12,000 bales of 170 kg each arrived in Gujarat and 35,000 bales arrived in India. Kapas or raw cotton gained marginally . Kapas was up ₹5 to ₹980-1,025 per 20 kg and gin delivery kapas stood at ₹1,030-60 . Cottonseed gained ₹5 to ₹470-530.