Barring imported palmolein and soya oil which increased by ₹1 and ₹2 per 10 kg each on fresh buys from stockists, all other edible oils were steady. Local refineries kept their rates unchanged. Activities in indigenous oils were missing due to lack of demand. Liberty traded palmolein for ₹560, super palmolein ₹580, soyabean refined oil ₹632. Ruchi’s rates: palmolein ₹563, soyabean refined oil ₹628. At Rajkot, groundnut oil telia tin was up ₹10 to ₹2,010 and loose (10 kg) was flat at ₹1,300. BCE spot rates (₹/10 kg): groundnut oil 1,290 (1,290), soya ref. 628 (630), sunflower exp. ref. 655 (655), sunflower ref. 730 (730), rapeseed ref. 890 (890), rapeseed exp. ref. 860 (860), cottonseed ref. 680 (680) and palmolein 555 (554).