Imported palm oil ruled firm, while soya oil and indigenous edible oils remained bearish tracking weak overseas and domestic futures. On the BCE, palmolein and groundnut oil gained ₹1 and ₹5 per 10 kg each. Soyabean, sunflower, rapeseed and cotton oil lost ₹3, ₹5, ₹10 and ₹5 each. Volume remained thin as traders preferred to fulfil old commitments.

Liberty was quoting palmolein at ₹550, super palmolein at ₹580, soyabean refined oil ₹640. Ruchi was quoting soyabean refined oil ₹621, sunflower refined oil ₹718. Allana’s rate was for palmolein ₹552, soya refined oil ₹635, sunflower refined oil ₹720. At Rajkot, groundnut oil was steady at ₹2,160 for Telia tin and ₹1,400 for loose (10 kgs).