Coconut oil markets in Kerala and Tamil Nadu have not stabilised yet due to poor copra arrivals. Prices are ruling at ₹121/kg in Kerala, while they are ruling at ₹119 in Tamil Nadu. Bharat N Khona, former Board Member, COMA, said that as prices are ruling high, upcountry buyers are not venturing into the market. The price of loose oil for 15 kg is quoting ₹1,790 in Tamil Nadu. Copra prices are ruling at ₹90/kg in both the States. Other edible oils such as palmolein and palm kernel oil are ruling at ₹69 and ₹94 respectively. Thalath Mahmood, Director, COMA, said that there is no visible trend in cooling down the prices for the time being due of copra shortage. However, a revival is expected with the commencement of the season in Tamil Nadu during this month. V Sajeev Kumar